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"Eriko is an outstanding yoga teacher and her classes have become a treat for me. Her intelligent and clear instructions together with gentle and accurate adjustments of my poses helped me to understand the fundaments of various asanas. Her kind and happy nature makes every practice enjoyable. I feel lucky to have found such a talented and generous teacher.

Petra Kandusova

" Eriko's class is a blend that fuses dynamic, challenging poses with the perfect amount of 'quiet' space to consider each movement. Whether I am attempting something on the more advanced, or settling into something familiar, that sweet sense of connection is something I find easily with Eriko. She is always softly pacing the room, making adjustments with a huge dose of compassion and a big smile on her face: As a result I have never felt silly or stupid for making an error in Eriko's class. 

I respect her knowledge greatly as she will adjust something as simple as 2cm of a hip or a pinkie finger, and the entire pose shifts into a space that feels far more like home. 

Her brilliant sense of humour, her warmth, and her openness to be gloriously fallible in the yoga studio - a lesson we all could take from. 

Her sequencing is also fascinating, natural yet new each time, and often sweaty.

I get a sense of joy, a needed kick in the ass and yet a feeling of comfort.

I also get the knowledge that she really knows what she is talking about. "

Nathan Morse

"I've had contact with Eriko for several years now as a student and fellow student. Eriko's endless shining energy is blissful to partake in and couples with an infectious smile that can energise any practice. She takes her own learning seriously and can deliver a well-rounded, loving and joyous experience in yoga. She will effortlessly make you feel welcome and comfortable and then share her energy in a way that will make you so happy you met her.

Chris Whelan

"I have had the privilege of being in Eriko’s yoga classes for the past year.  Eriko is a wonderful yoga teacher - knowledgable, patient and serene. Her instructions are beautifully precise and her classes are a joy to attend.  In my 20 years of attending yoga classes, Eriko is on all levels one of my favourite yoga teachers.  I can't recommend Eriko too highly and would encourage everyone to come along to any of her yoga classes."

Leif Goodwin

"Eriko teaches yoga in such a graceful manner. Her peaceful voice and calming influence captivates the room. She is a very technical teacher and her attention to alignment has allowed me to find deeper awareness within my body and my yoga practice. Following Eriko’s class I always feel uplifted with a renewed sense of lightness."

Serene Mclean

"Eriko is a passionate, energetic yet kind and warm person and this is reflected in her classes and the way she teaches. I love Eriko's lessons because they are tailored to the individual participants, and she caters to everyone's needs. She has a deep understanding of the human body and yoga movements and her lessons are detail oriented yet she explains everything very simply and her lessons are very easy to follow and understand.

Her classes are lots of fun and there are many laughs, and each and every time I go I feel energized!! Thank you, Eriko!"

Chika Nishimoto

I love attending Eriko’s yoga classes each week.  The classes are completely relaxing and

restorative.  Eriko’s expertise and experience is evident as she guides the class through the poses allowing our mind, body and soul to slow, calm, restore and balance.  When the class has finished I feel recharged and energised. 

Jacqueline Nelson

"Eriko has a warm and nurturing energy, which translates in every posture. She takes me through every step mindfully and has the freedom to design her classes just to my needs and body type. I felt safe and willing to try yoga postures I could never do in a busy class where the teacher doesn't see me. Like personal training, yoga with Eriko feels like you have a quality dedicated teaching personalised to suit your needs."

Sachiko Marchand

"Eriko creates a beautiful space in which you can enjoy your practice. Whether it’s Vinyasa or Yin, her gentle nurturing approach allows you to be free to discover your true potential. 

My practice has been enriched by her knowledge her delivery and her engaging energy."

                                                       Andrea Eckart 

"I have been going to Yin Yoga classes with Erico since the beginning of the year at Yoga Synergy and usually I go once a week to supplement my Vinyasa classes and other fitness that I do. Currently I practice Yoga 4-5 times a week. Erico has been so kind, patient and compassionate - I am relatively new to Yoga and 55 years old so its been a big journey but she has been there every step of the way. Her depth of knowledge, her super warm and calm way and her superb instruction has meant I have felt fully supported every step of the way. The long deep holds and calm meditative atmosphere of Yin Yoga have been extremely beneficial to my overall practice, my flexibility has improved dramatically along with a real sense of calmness that comes from Yin and the way Erico leads our practice. What seemed like simple low stress postures in the early weeks have lead to deep changes in my flexibility - you can definitely notice the effects on your body from the deep long holds - its incredibly powerful - you can feel the deep effects for days after a class. I think Yin classes are a superb balance and addition with other more active Yoga classes - the slowness and deep long holds really do supplement a broader Yoga practice. I would definitely recommend Yin to support and deepen your overall Yoga experience. Erico is a superb teacher and guide and I have no hesitation in recommending her to you. Give it go, try it and see how it adds to your current practice. Namaste 🙏"

                                                           David Crow 

"I love Eriko´s Yin classes and her teaching style! I highly recommend her to anybody interested in nourishing and taking care of their body. She plans beautiful and effective sequences and she does a really good job at helping students with props and the right adjustments. Also, she is particularly good with her words, as everything she chooses to share is meaningful. You can definitely tell that she has a lot of knowledge and she is really generous with it. I found her classes to be a great complement for my regular yoga classes because they help me restore my body and also be more aware of my body and mind state. She is a great guide for me to know my body better and to connect with myself. I would love to be able to have a more consistent yin yoga practice with her. I have never been to a class with her without leaving feeling better."

                                                           Amalia Insua 

" I have been taking Eriko's corporate class for 18 months, twice a week. It has been giving me great feeling both mentally and physically. Since I have taken her class I'm more aware of breathing, the balance of my body in everyday life, also the practice requires concentration so that switching my mind from work during the class brings me the energy for the rest of the day.

Even in the group lessons, she pays attention to an individual level and gives guidance. Recently, I hurt my lower back. I was on my bed for three days; however, it could have taken longer to heal if I didn't practice Yoga. As she already told me that I have to build more muscles at the beginning of the practice.

In her class, if you want to challenge improving physical strength and mind, she can guide you as you go along with your level of flexibility, strength in your timeline. She can discover your hidden ability. I am enjoying her class. Thank you, Eriko!" 

Miyuki Yamaguchi 

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